The island "Innis Bhuidhe" or sometimes called Inch Buie is situated in the Falls of Dochart at Killin. Access is by a small iron gate down a flight of stone steps on the side of the Dochart Bridge at the western end of the island. The enclosure containing the graves of Chiefs and other graves are at the end of the island.
The Falls of Dochart are spectacular and with the island are a popular visitor attraction in Killin. The island itself is of great antiquity. The center of the island is the site of two substantial forts of late prehistoric (Iron Age) date. It is still possible to discern their foundations beneath the ground. They are scheduled as ancient monuments. The western end of the island is also scheduled as a "site of special scientific interest" because of geomorphological features.
The pillars and the entrance wall and arches, together with the burial enclosure are "listed" as being of historic interest (category B) by Historic Scotland.
The Chief gifted Innis Bhuidhe to the Macnab Memorial Trust in 1987, in the hope that ownership would remain in Macnab hands for the benefit of the Clan in perpetuity.
Keys to the gate leading to the island are held in the village library.
I am trying to find out more about William McNab born 1826 Straener and his father James mother Agnes Jackson😊James is
is my GGG granfatherand we have no information on him.
so anything would be appreciated.